Getting inliner working

I spent this afternoon trying to get inliner working and here is the process which, I hope, is the final steps needed to get a fully working copy off github.

Please let me know if this works for you or not ….

$ sudo apt-get purge nodejs npm
$ curl -sL | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

## not recommended on live servers, but seems to be the only way
## to get it to work; this command sets npm to use http rather than https

$ sudo npm config set registry

## now install inliner - NOTE use of SUDO
$ sudo npm install inliner -g

## now apply a patch to inliner as follows
$ cd /usr/lib/node_modules/inline
$ sudo vi inliner

## now change the first line to look like the second
- scriptURL = URL.resolve(url, this.src);

+ scriptURL = URL.resolve(url, (this.src||"").toString());

## to do this, arrow across to this.src and use 'x' key to delete this.src then hit 'i' to go into insert mode
## paste in (this.src||"").toString() and then hit ESC followed by ":x!" and hit return
## now cd into the bin directory and edit inliner

$cd bin

$ sudo vi inliner


## change "path" to "fs" and save using ":x!"

## now go back to your home directory

$ cd 


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