
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ex sem, facilisis sed viverra nec, sagittis vel quam nulla nisi mi scelerisque quis.

Imagine a world …

Imagine your life as a frantic business owner where you can just sit back, pop your feet up and have a long leisurely cup of coffee. Now think about where your business really is. Perhaps, if you're running an internet business, you have to deal with email enquiries...

Yii – more Advanced Logging

Yii uses an application component called CLogRouter to determine where and how log messages are output to the various logs. You can configure different "log routes" depending on the log trace level, the log category (more on that later) and even your IP address. I've...

Starting with Yii2 – part 2

I apologise to all those of you who have been patiently waiting for the next installment of my series on Yii2 (see Part 1).  I've been busy developing wordpress eCommerce systems over the summer and had little time to get back into Yii2.  In the...

Yii2 SEO friendly URLs with extra parameters in PATH

The requirement; Having clicked to view an organization, I only want to display items for that organization only, so any links must include the organization_id. I would like to have URLs like The orgname is included...

Getting inliner working

I spent this afternoon trying to get inliner working and here is the process which, I hope, is the final steps needed to get a fully working copy off github. Please let me know if this works for you or not ....  

Starting with Yii2 – User Authentication

User Management The Yii2 base projects, Basic and Advanced, comes with a simpleUser authentication and Login system included. It provides two users, Admin and Demo, which are hard coded into the User model.  It is left to the developer to wire this up into a...

Starting with Yii2

So, if you're anything like me, a busy independent developer, research and training projects always get pushed down to the bottom of that oh-so long list of things to do! So this is the start of a series of posts introducing Yii2 and helping you to get up to speed...

Yii CreatUrl not returning the full URL

You just can't seem to get the URL that you expect and all the forums say just call createUrl and it'll do everything for you! Na-ugh! Wrong!  It's returning just the action - or the controller/action but not the module. First First check your UrlManager rules...
