I'm building a project based on Samuel Štancl's amazing multi-tenancy project, available for free on github or with various paid options. I'm using the paid for Multi-Tenancy Saas boilerplate, which I would thoroughly recommend if you're looking for a quick start....
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ex sem, facilisis sed viverra nec, sagittis vel quam nulla nisi mi scelerisque quis.
Create a Laravel Request object on the fly in Tinker REPL
I recently wanted to test a controller POST in Tinker, so I needed to create the Request Object to pass into the POST controller. I couldn't find a decent answer on Google, so here's my solution: First, I created the formRequest class which was the bit that I wanted...
Re-useable (and re-colourable!) SVG icons
You can find this article on medium: https://medium.com/@sudwebdesign/creating-re-useable-and-colorable-svg-icons-in-vue-js-e45c65919caf
Automating mysqldump on Automator in MacOs
I was just struggling with variables in MacOs Automator and so here is what I ended up withJust Saying ... Every one needs a backup plan. I'll do mine tomorrow ...We've all probably experienced, at the very least, that fear of having just lost a load of work; perhaps...
Divi re-useable blocks
When designing a website with many blog posts, wouldn’t it be nice to use the power of Divi to build re-useable blocks that can be inserted into the posts.
Yii2 using hyphenated URLs in URL manager rules
When you're playing around with URL rules and you get the dreaded 404 message, there isn't very much help around. I recently used an action with two words in camel case like actionTestThis which, in Yii2, translates to a url like 'mycontroller/test-this'. But if...
Responsive Images in Divi
Where is SRCSET Divi doesn't yet support SRCSET images, though this has been in wordpress since around 2015. For those who aren't html programmers the srcset attribute tries to inform the browser what image sizes are available and what screen widths each image is...
Saving views to git from MySql
As a lone freelance full-stack developer it's very easy to keep all your local developments backed up, especially if using a Mac and time-machine. However, now and again, it's a good idea to save stuff into git, even if only to copy all that hard work into the cloud....
WordPress – loading an Uber menu over ajax
28 Feb, 2019This is a howto for developers. If you're not happy digging around in functions.php or indeed with your sleeves rolled up in any php, then this article might not be for you.Ubermenu is a great plugin and provides Users and Wordpress builders with a huge...